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Hard maple plywood

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Q: What does original skateboards use for their boards?
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Zero skateboards or Baker skateboards better?

In my opinion Baker boards are waaaaaaaaay better so take it from me and get Baker skateboards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is glue on skateboards?

Skateboards are made out of ply's of wood stacked on top of each other most skateboards are either 6 7 or 8 ply boards and to hold those ply's together they use glue.

Explain your own opinion of skateboards?

my opinion of skateboards are mini-logo by Powell or enjoi boards!!

Are habitat boards and alien workshop boards made by the same people?

Yes, they are. Alien Workshop and Habitat skateboards are made by DNA distribution which means they use the same wood and what-not.

What is sun Diego?

It is a shop that sells surfboards, long boards and skateboards. :)

Were to get skateboards in yuba city?

you can buy the skate boards at the mall at zumiez

What countries are element skateboards produced in?

Element boards are manufactured in China.

Is Air walk the best brand for skateboards?

Not really. Suggest you look at Sierra Nevada skateboards, many pros have actually switched to these boards.

Are the skateboards ''World Industries''?

their good boards for kids/beginners

What is better about the new skateboards than the old style boards?

The older skateboards didn't have concave if they did they didn't have the double kick. So other then that that's about it.

Are Mystery skateboards quality skateboards?

They are durable and have quite a nice pop to them. Plus most boards are black and white so its design will complement anything.

What did the incas leave behind?

they left there skateboards and surf boards because the surf was not narly