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your feet might not be in the right position or you can loose balance. the one i hate the most is tripping on pebbles.

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Q: What causes most skateboarding or inline skating falls?
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What causes most skateboarding or inline skating falls, according to information from the lesson?

Irregular surfaces cause the most skate falls.

Can you die from skating?

YES Yes, you can. There are a variety of ways, but the most common way is from head trauma. If someone falls off at any sort of height while skating, and they were not wearing a helmet, then the could suffer a severe enough concussion that they go into a coma and slowly die.

What does an official take off points for in Ice skating?

falls, doing the moves wrong and things like that...

What causes drownings?

falls, swimming, watercraft, bathing

Evaporation rises or falls?

Evaporation causes water levels to fall as water turns to steam and evaporates into the air.

What usually causes muscle and tendon injuries?

War, sport, falls.

What causes tetany?

it occurs when the PARATHYROID HOROMONE (PTH) falls to low.

When the Earth's shadow falls on the moon the shadow causes a?

lunar eclipse

Why does a balloon fall?

The ballon falls down because the air presure gets stronger witch causes the ballon to srink so it falls.

What hormone causes tetany?

it occurs when the PARATHYROID HOROMONE (PTH) falls to low.

Does gravity affect a soccer ball when it falls?

Yes, gravity affects a soccer ball when it falls. The force of gravity causes the ball to accelerate towards the ground at a rate of 9.8 m/s^2. This acceleration causes the ball to pick up speed as it falls.

How many people have fallen over in figure skating?

I'm a figure skater myslef, and, trust me, every single figure skater has fallen down sometime in their career. It may be the first time they put on a pair of skates, or it may be attempting their first jump. Everybody falls down in figure skating.