they help you land without snapping the board and hurting your feet
the vertibre pads are just called pads
i dont wear pads i ocasionally wear a helmet and i wear that on my heade but when i have to wear pads i wear them on my elbows and ocasionaly the wrist guards but they make it harder to bertslide and that.
no. riser pads are hard plastic that are mainly designed to give you more pop. shock pads also give some pop, but not much. the big difference is that shock pads greatly reduce the amount of pressure cracks you'll see in the deck. if you need to make a deck last for awhile, shock pads are the way to go.
The pads are used in a cardiac emergency with the AED to supply the shock, if required.
a ripstick is a two wheeled skateboard that takes quite some practice to learn how to ride. It works by moving your body weight side to side to gain speed it is way harder to do tricks on this than it is to do tricks on a skateboard. it is very addicting and i would recommend all pads like wrist pads, knee pads, elbow pads, and a helmet especially!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, you can skateboard with a tampon in during your period.You can also skateboard wearing pads, menstrual cups, softcups, or no products at all. You don't need to use a specific menstrual product in order to skateboard on your period, use whatever you want.
No; do not remove the pads. The AED will analyze again.
No it can't; you must use adult AED pads for an adult & child AED pads for a child.
Insure there is no pulse before you attach the pads to the victim.