

What are good debate topics?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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9y ago

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Animal testing, the legality of assisted suicide and internet censorship are all good debate topics. The death penalty is another good debate topic.

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Q: What are good debate topics?
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Good popular debate topics are the following: -Healthcare -Whether or not social networking sites are safe -Abortion -Death Penalty

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People can find a list of high school debate topics straight from a magazine. Some magazines have up to date info about controversial subjects such as the 2nd Amendment.

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Some possible new topics for debate could include the impact of artificial intelligence on society, the benefits and drawbacks of cryptocurrency, or the role of social media in shaping public opinion. For declamation, topics could revolve around mental health awareness, environmental conservation, or the importance of empathy in today's world.

Why did the Lincoln-Douglas debate receive national attention?

Sue to the fact that tthey covered very controversial topics.

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There is no specific dictionary-type definition for a dark debate. It may refer to debating a topic that is or can turn dark. This could include topics such as government sanctioned torture or euthanasia.

What topics of debate the tenth amendment surrounding the development of the constitution?

To set a balance between national and state government power.