The group, or more specifically singer, Lloyd is associated with the song Cadillac Love. Lloyd, also known as Young Lloyd is an American R&B recording artist.
"B'nai" is a Hebrew term that means "sons of" or "children of." It is commonly used in Jewish terminology to refer to a group of people, such as "B'nai Mitzvah" for a group of children celebrating their coming of age ceremonies.
Progeria is commonly found in children of Asian/Polynesian decent.
As Niall is Irish, they've made a lot of joke about potatoes, which are commonly associated with Ireland, and they've become private jokes within the group.
The methyl group is -CH3.
roller blades,pogo sticks,skateboard.
In Greek mythology, Atlas' wife is named Pleione. She is also commonly associated with the Pleiades, a group of seven star nymphs who are often mentioned in mythology.
occur most commonly in children between the ages of four and 12 but can also occur at all ages
No, methyl is not a functional group commonly found in alcohols. The functional group that is commonly found in alcohols is the hydroxyl group (-OH). Methyl, on the other hand, is a functional group commonly found in compounds called methyl groups (-CH3).
Kingdom Halls are associated with Jehovah's Witnesses.