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normally in their late teens (16-19) and early twenties but there are some eceptions.

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Q: What age does the average skateboarder go pro?
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Where do you go to be a pro skateboarder?

no where u get sponcered and work your way up to being pro.

Years of school for pro skateboarder?

you dont have to go to school to be a pro skateboarder you have to get good video footage and send it to sponsors so they can judge if your good enough

What do you do when your a pro skateboarder?

Personally im not a pro but you go to a skateboard company make a video of you send it and they might sponsor you. you also should go to different contests and magazine photo stuff. you also will be famous if that's what you want. peace

How much money does a pro skateboarder bring home?

Well the calculation of the total all depends on if they won the competition, but usually a televised competition will go from 50,000 to 100,000

How do you become a proffesional skateboarder?

If you have to ask that question its not going to happen, to go pro mainly need to know someone. You don't need to worry about that when you could be having fun on your skateboard. Besides you don't want to go pro, you don't want skateboarding to feel like a job.

How do you be a pro skateboarder?

A lot of practice then start filming then get a sponsor by a skate shop in your town get even better then move to a popular area (California) then find a pro sponsorship as in Alienworkshop then you get your clothing sponsorship once you get a lot of money and go in to contests with other pros then you call yourself pro

What year did Shaun White go pro?

At age 13

When did Cristiano Ronaldo go professinal?

He went pro at the age of 16.

Can you become a sponcered skateboarder when you started skating at age 14?

Whether you get sponsored or not isn't dependent on your age, but rather on your ability. If you've got the skills to get sponsored then go for it and if you're as young as 14 when you do then that's a bonus.

In the manga series Hikaru no Go when does Hikaru become a pro?

It depends. Are you talking about what age, what volume....?

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