a darkslide is a grind, it is a trick in when you flip your sk8board with wheels face up and grind on a rail or ledge
Rodney Mullen
Earthquakes happend
You cant!
Beeswax is good for waxing up wooden grind boxes or wooden grind rails so your board can slide smoothly on the box or rail.
360 variel kickflip into a darkslide? 360 inward heelflip into darkslide into nose manual. laser flip into a 5-0 pop shuvit off the rail to another rail darksliding it
you have to grind slots in the nuckle, then slide the nuts in or outwards, depending on what type of camber you want.
yes but the best skater is cam n he can do a crist air backie
At these boundaries, the rocks grind and slide against each other, causing earthquakes.
Hold the down and right on the directional pad, while double tapping the grind key.
The recommended grind size for a French press is coarse grind.
you have to grind the welds that hold the frame rail to the rest of the frame and slide the ends out . replace the frame rails and weld it back.