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Q: Is a 950JDJ bigger than a 20mm?
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Which is larger 1.8 x 20 mm or 2.0 x20 mm?

2.0 x 20mm is bigger

Why does harley put a smaller belt 20mm on fatboys starting in 07 when they put on a bigger engine and a bigger rear tire?

to clear the wider rear tire

A point 20mm above the hp and 20mm below draw its projection?

mark a pt 20mm above xy planemark 20mm below

How do you calculate weight of 20mm square tube?

weight of ms hollow bar 20mm*20mm

Which is bigger plankton or pandaka pygmea?

Plankton are usually smaller than Pandaka pygmea. Plankton range from less than 0.2 µm to 20mm+. Pandaka pygmea are usually 1-1.5cm - so some megaplankton will be larger, but in general plankton will be smaller.

What is the largest calibre rifle legal in Western Australia?

Smaller than 20mm.

Is 5 mm longer than 2 cm?

no because 2cm is 20mm

What are 20mm knitting needels?

20mm knitting needles are needles that are 20mm in diameter. They are also known as US size 35 needles.

What is 20mm in cm?

Oh, dude, 20mm is like 2cm. So, if you're measuring something and you're like, "Oh, this is 20mm," just divide by 10 and you'll get the answer. Easy peasy!

What is thicker 10 millimeter or 20 millimeter?

20 is greater than 10; therefore, 20mm would be thicker than 10mm.

You got 10mm lens and 20mm lens for your telescope What is the difference?

The difference between the 10mm and 20mm lenses is the focal length they provide. The 10mm lens will give you higher magnification and a narrower field of view, while the 20mm lens will give you lower magnification and a wider field of view. Choose the lens based on your observing preferences and the object you want to view.

How do you use the 20mm vulcan on Bryan Fury?

how do you use the 20mm vulca bryan fury