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I would like to say that I agree with this person. Skateboarding isn't legal anywhere else but in skateparks. I think that the law should make a law to not skate on only historical sites, not middle schools and high schools where most "street skaters" prefer to skate for there rails, ledges, and stairs. I'm saying this because I am one of these people that are crying out to the law to make less laws on places where I like to skate.

Yes it is. Many students at local universities use skateboards to travel from one class to another, which may mean going to and from buildings that are not in close proximity to each other. The campus police never stop them, so it must be okay.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

It makes absolutely NO difference whether the parking lot is "upscale" or downscale" and no difference whether it happens to be a parking lot or somebody's driveway - BOTH ARE PRIVATE PROPERTY.

The parking lot is provided for the purpose of parking of cars and when used without the owner's permission, for something else, you are mis-using it and, technically, trespassing on it.

There are probably no signs stating that you cannot pitch a tent and start a campfire there either, but just because there are no signs specifically forbidding boarding that doesn't mean that it is lawful for you to do so.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

doing anything in a private place is illegal

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Q: Is Skateboarding illegal in private parking garages?
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The stadium does not have private parking. Instead there are many parking garages and parking lots within one mile of the stadium that you can use. They vary greatly in price depending on how close to or far from the stadium they are.

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No, if you have the owner of the parking lots permission.

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If you have no lawful reason to be there, yes. Hospital parking lots are private property.

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If the vehicle is behind a LOCKED, gated area, or in a garage, then yes, they (whoever is reposessing), can go to jail for trespassing. If the car is out in the open i.e. on a curb, in the driveway that's not gated, in a private parking lot (not gated), in a private parking deck, then they can and will repo the car, boat, anything that they have a court order to take for nonpayment. They can get anything that is out in the open. If they can see it, they will take it.