yah he will always be the best skateboarder me like him and so does alot of people at my school ! my friends like him so do i and so does my boyfriend and is friends
yes Ryan sheckler is the best skateboarder
i think that Ryan sheckler is the best
casey feitler ----
Tony is about 19 or 20 years old. And he is Ryan sheckler's best friend.
Neither, it's all opinion. Personally I think Rodney Mullen's the best
if you want to meet him get backsage passes to Justin biebers show or something and if he trusts you since him and Ryan are best friends ask for his number and be friends
Tony Hawk is best skateboarder in the VERT categorie
No Tony hawk is not the best skateboarder alive Rodney Mullen is the best .
Yes and no because he is very very very very very very good but Ryan Sheckler is great too.
Two: Tony Hawk & Ryan Sheckler but that is sort of a opinion. Like I could say Obama is and others might think differently