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it should go for about $42.00USD

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Q: How much should a barely used Element skateboard sell for?
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How much is a element skateboard?

check on check under skateboards

How much does it cost for a skateboard besides the deck?

It depends what type of skateboard it is. If its a roxy, element, enjoi, etc. its 90-100 bucks. an element is around 80-90 bucks too.

How much did a skateboard cost in 2014?

how much is a skateboard in 2014

What is the best skateboard company for tricks?

Trust me.. There really isn't too much of which skateboard brand is the best. One person might tell you that an "element" skateboard is the best there is.. And later, another person would tell you that its the worst D: If your going to get your first skateboard, look for the one that you think has the best graphics. Later on, you'll figure out which brand feels the best under your feet!

How much is the element arrow skateboard worth now there was only 180 sold?

A couple of a couple of grand, depending on trucks decks tapes and other pieces!

How much should a skateboard with pro trucks a pro deck and wheels cost?

from £70 to £120 depending on the make

How much would you sell a skateboard for?

normal new skateboard deck runs around $55 USD.

How much does a penny skateboard weigh?

I ran mine over with a car and it held it is pretty amazing how much it can withstand!

How much do a regular skateboard cost?

as much as the shopkeepers choose

Should you buy a Penny skateboard for cruising?

Yes!! i bought one myself and i love it it rolls much better then any longboard!!

How much do you need to way to skateboard?


How much is a mini logo skateboard?
