completes=$100-300 custom completes=$100-200 decks = $30-100
there are various prices for different parts and sometimes the parts are already put together. it depends on a part or the whole thing
It really depends on if its a board just to mess around with, or if you're really into skating then you r going 2 need a pretty expensive board. I'm really serious about skating and my board was $180, even though i had it customized. I went to Aspect Skate Shop in Bend, Oregon.
how much is a skateboard in 2014
normal new skateboard deck runs around $55 USD.
as much as the shopkeepers choose
A skateboard actually costs more than a bicycle because when we buy a skateboard, we have to get the whole set so the skateboard might cost about Rs. 1500 from my side in Nepal. Hope this helps you :)
around $55
over 9000
5 million
Yes, if the skateboard can carry them... :-D