Many thousands!
Here you will find a list of over more than 1000 ski resorts in the world:
However, this is only a small fraction of all the ski resorts. For example, of Sweden's 250 resorts are only 35 in the list.
this is kinda tricky to figure out. figure out how many pizzas you bought in the last month and multiply by three. next find the square root of a marshmallow and add 3. combine the numbers and subtract the length of a piece of string. divide by the time it take to roast a monkey while beating off trolls with a pogo stick. and subtract a wet suit and theres your answer. thank you. this is kinda tricky to figure out. figure out how many pizzas you bought in the last month and multiply by three. next find the square root of a marshmallow and add 3. combine the numbers and subtract the length of a piece of string. divide by the time it take to roast a monkey while beating off trolls with a pogo stick. and subtract a wet suit and theres your answer. thank you.
No, Althea Gibson was not one of the world's greatest skaters. She was a championship tennis player who won many tournaments.See Related Links for more information on Althea Gibson.
What in the world do you mean?
Dude, there is about a thousand pro skaters and about two million non - pro skaters
It is difficult to provide an exact percentage, but skateboarding is a popular global activity with millions of participants worldwide. The percentage of skaters in the world would vary depending on location, cultural factors, and access to skateboarding facilities.
5 milion
because skating is a sport many people play and cuz we the figure skaters are awesome! i know Nathan chen!
Yes I think it will be because i think that all the skaters from the world get to go to the Olympics means young and up coming skaters can get sponsers more easily
No all skaters fall a lot.
They're Just Not Careful.
its just a skaters fashion
because it has some of the best skateparks in the world and great weather
Tony Hawk,Danny Campsall,Ryan Shekler,Cameron Thompson