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Generally, there are two main kinds of roller skates: in-lines and quads. In-lines are made for speed, and quads are made for performing tricks.

There are several classifications of skates:

One kind of skates are 'aggressive' skates. These have hard boots and small wheels. These are used for dangerous stunts such as hand rail slides or stair jumps. Generally, only extremely advanced skaters use these skates.

On the other hand, 'recreational skates' are generally used for beginners. They are built for comfort and durability. These are often confused with 'fitness' skates, which are reserved for those who Rollerblade often.

There is another group of skates, called 'speed' skates. Their design varies, but they are generally used for sports.

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Ice skates are different because they have blades on them and they are designed differently than per Se roller skates. Roller skates have more padding and have wheels on them, while figure skates have blades on them. If one wanted to compare a figure skate to a hockey skate, for example, a hockey skate does not have toe-picks while a figure skate does. Hope this helps :)

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No its not

What were roller skates originally made of?

Wood and leather. See the history of roller skates linked below.

How old was the person who invented roller skates?

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How do action and reactions forces work when you use roller skates?

Action and reaction forces work while roller staking by the action force being that you and your roller skates move forward. The reaction force is when the roller skates slide backwards on the ground.