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Its made out of plastic (The free ones), and theres a type of hard marble or rock that's shaped into a round piece. And maybe even design it.

Then it gets sent out to Bowling shops, where people come to find one of there pleasure, and get it drilled for them to fit their fingers.

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Heaven Wisoky

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2y ago
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15y ago

It depends what kind of ball. If it is a plastic ball it is made of plastic. If it is reactive resin it is made of reactive resin. It all depends. I think that if the ball is heavy than it is probably made out of something indesstructable to human kind

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9y ago

Pins are made of Hard Rock Maple wood, Brunswick claims that they do not use wood that has been grown south of Indiana. This is because of the winters, trees that are subjected to winter do not grow as fast as the trees that can grow all year long. The trees that have to shut down in the winter seem to be denser (it also takes twice as long to grow) and this makes the wood harder. Check out this site:

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14y ago

A typical high-end Bowling ball has a specially-designed dense core, made of clay or a clay-and-plastic mix. It's surrounded by a somewhat lighter clay, whose overall density determines how heavy the ball will be when finished.

The cover, or outer surface, is made either of plastic, urethane, or a special blend of resinated urethane with microscopic particles added to increase the surface area, and therefore the ball friction.

It's this friction that allows the ball to hook through oil; and it's the shape of the core, in relation to where the finger and thumb holes are drilled, that determines both how much and how soon the ball will hook.

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12y ago

Bowling balls can be made up of several materials.

Usually it is made with a set of plastics, urethanes and reactive resins. The cores are made of different density materials and shapes to create different reactions to how the balls roll down the lane depending on how the ball is thrown and how the ball is drilled in relation to the ball design. Also the ball can be affected by the conditions of the lane itself.

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12y ago

Brunswick bowling balls used to be made out of wood, but now are created with vulcanized rubber. The process of bowling ball making is complex and requires many steps in the factory.

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9y ago

After a bowling ball has been manufactured, it is packaged to be sold to bowling proshops.

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15y ago

by rolling up chese and painting it

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15y ago

I'm not sure but i think it was rock

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Q: How is bowling ball made?
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A bowling ball is made from urethane, plastic, reactive resin or a combination of these materials.

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