There is no blood. That's what is good about this game... Skaters don't bleed their brains out when they fall... screw tony hawk games.
how do you do a tailhawk in skate 3
Of course it is opinion but a majority of people say Skate 1 is better. On Skate 1 you can get more board sponsors and the physics of skating are more realistic on Skate 1. However Skate 1 slightly lacks the quality of the graphics that Skate 2 has in store. Skate 1 is cheaper than Skate 2 as it was an earlier release. Skate 1 I would say is the better game but that is a matter of opinion.
No it can't. Skate 2 can, but Skate 3 only contains online multiplayer.
Yes u can go to options and lessen or turn of blood and Language
The password is 789.SkAtE 3
They comfirmed there will be a Skate 3 coming out in May 2010
I got my skate 3 at game stop so check there
Yes, of course it is!!
if you have a ds or wii then skate it is a great game. and for xbox360 and ps2 there is skate it, skate 2, and skate 3.
skate 3 is way better than skate 2 because better people and newer hall of meat bails i have both of the games and i gotta say skate 3 is way better than skate 2
go on playstation store and write in search skate 3