You have to lean slightly forward. and make sure your feet are on bolt. leaning backwards will cause the board to slipp out and you will most likley end up on the rail.
they help you from not getting hurt the big puffy part where the laces are it protects from when a skate board hits you
You can get hurt but not once you get signed up
not possible
A star ! Very funny.
i heard on a show up to about 40 feet. Well, if you started from a height of 500 feet you would jump down 499 feet without getting hurt
I didn't kill any animals.
don't move, stand still!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is no possible way unless she/he likes you too.
you're a Class A psycho
Yes please hurt yourself.
i skate alot like every day and the only way you can get hurt is if you are inexperienced and are trying tricks that you cant do. for example some kids at the skate park when they see some one jump down a set of stairs they think wow i think i can do that but they just get hurt. basically you get hurt if you try to skate very far beyond you abilities its good to slowly go beyond your abilities