ok what you wana do is get some crafting foam sheets and cut the shape of a boot out and sew it together then gat some bulser wood for frames and soal plate for wheels super glue beads in the frames not stick soul plate to boot and then frames to soulplate hop this helps
Well if you have a really big finger... Sort of like the size of a small foot, you could try a pair of kids skates. Otherwise you are on your own. Or you could find that machine they had in "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" and make your own. Good Luck. :)
walmart, target, and any other supermarket in the toys section.
The best AGGRESSIVE FINGER SKATES out are the new AOR finger skates! www.aorfingerskates.com they have famous pro athletes backing up there company so you can buy a finger skate and it will either be from one Real Skater or another. So your not just getting a finger skate your getting a Pro Model series! www.aorfingerskates.com is backed up by New York's Art of Rolling Magazine the worlds only East Coast aggressive skate magazine!
Yes they do but you will have to talk to a skate specialist or order skates designed for your own size.
skid sound
You make a finger on a laptop by downloading microscroft and then draw a finger
Speed Skates have the longest blade.
Skates right out of the box are not sharpened. Most likely the shop that you are purchasing them from will sharpen the skates before you leave the store. If you purchased the skates online you will need to take then to your local shop and have them sharpened. But make sure that the skates fit properly and you are not going to ship them back. Once you sharpen the skates most online retailers consider the skates now used and will not accept them for return. If you need to get them sharpened, don't worry it generally costs only a few dollars ($3-5). You will also need to maintain the skates and have them sharpened after every few skates. This is a personal preference when to sharpen your skates.
Ice skates can get extremely expensive occasionally. You can buy basic skates for very cheap or get skates custom made and fitted with a separate blade to suit you. I would say that your skates are probably quite basic, not that there is anything wrong with that for a beginner. I would think that unless you are landing big jumps or skating very regularly, your skates will be just fine to buy! make sure that you sharpen them too!
Two words, like figure skates, hockey skates, or roller skates .
he found a pair of roller skates on which the wheels were arranged in a single row. While the skates felt slow and clumsy, they gave him the sense of skating on ice that traditional roller skates did not.
The speed skates have longer blades