yup there finee
yeah its my favorite kind
Well, that is more of an opinion, but if you are interested in skateboarding I guess it would be good
wow think bowl bowl bowl use a bowl for popcorn or something geez or buy one good lord use a bowl its in the sentence lol.
There are toys called tech decks. They are miniature bikes and skateboards that you can purchase in the toy section of many stores, like Target.
Tech Deck toys are miniature skateboards with ramps and other accessories. Some fun games that one can play with Tech Decks are to do skateboarding tricks with the mini skateboards. Also, one can play Tech Deck games on allgame.
first. Get a peice of paper. Then draw an oval shaped board. Then draw some wheels. Trucks. When ur all done. cut it out. BAM . You did it. A artificial real tech deck. Good job
at the most... two dollars. But in New Zealand they are $10 for a single pack or around that.
some good websites to learn tech deck tricks are youtube or aol.An easy trick to learn is to put your pointer finger one the'T' and your middle finger on the tail of the board and flick your wrists.
no clue but pepople say plan b is good so try dat
tech decks perform just as good as each other no matter what the brand because they are all the same shape but if you are looking for good graphics i recommend buying element or almost tech decks