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send them a video of you sksateboarding and hopefully they think your good enogh to skate for the shop/brand. good luck

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Q: How do you get sponsor by West49 skateboarding?
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How do you be a skateboard sponsor?

work at a skateboarding company

How do you get a sponsor in skateboarding?

to get sponsored in skateboarding you have to go to skate parks so sponors can see if your good enough to be on their team.

What sponsors are available in Illinois for skateboarding?

Whoever is willing and agreeable to sponsor you. Finding them is up to you.

How do you get a career sponsor for skateboarding?

To get a career sponsorship for skateboarding, first you need to be good at it. Next, you want to hire a professional video photographer that will get the footage you need for the sponsor. After you have the footage, send it to a sponsor you like. If they look over and like it, you might get sponsored by them. Another way to get sponsored is "old-school". What you need to do for a "old-school" sponsorship method is to enter contests. If you get 3rd to 1st place in most of your contests, then you might get a sponsor talking to you. ----

What is the best skateboard supplier?

the best skateboard supplier is a tight race between on deck and west49

Can anyone sponsor a skater?

hell yeah, all you have to do is showcase yourself no matter how big or small the company is. It doesn't even have to be a skateboarding company!

Do you need a skateboard sponsor to be a pro?

Well, being a pro means your a "professional" and get paid for skateboarding and having signature lines, from your sponsors. So the answer is yes.

Who was Ryan Sheckler's first sponsor?

CASL (california amateur skateboarding league) was his first competition he entered and he won it its sick join it

Can you become a pro skateboarder?

Yes, if you get noticed by skate companies on contests and such, they can sponsor you. That basically means you are a pro skateboarder since you're being paid for skateboarding.

What tricks do you have to be able to do to get sponsored for skateboarding?

It depends on the company. Small companies/shops may not expect as much as big companies but it just depends on the actual sponsor.

What do you get when sponsored in skateboarding?

When you get sponsored as an amateur or pro skateboarder, whatever company you skate for might give you new decks for free clothes shoes etc.. But in return you have to make skate videos get pictures of you skating and place medals in contests.

Who invests in skateboarding?

skateboarding people......