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the same way you do a varial heelflip except that the board does a 360 instead of a 180 that's a lie a varial heel is way different than a lazer(laser).... the lazer (laser) its a 360 front pop and and heelflip so yeah!!! there way better than tre flips too

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16y ago
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16y ago

a laser flip is made of two moves. 1. heelflip & 360 frontside pop-shove it 2. to heelflip pop with the tail, then like an ollie drag your foot up the deck ,only flick your heel off the concave to your toe side. 3. 360 frontside pop shove it is when your backfoot kicks forward like kicking a ball but you press down on the tail so it makes a poping noise, and it will spin away from you so it will feel weird at first. 4. Once you pop and kick your back foot , drag your heel up the nose but you flick it straight because the board is already rotating toward you. 5. wait for the board to rotate 360 degrees , stick the landing. 6. there's your laser flip

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15y ago

To lazer you need to know how to frontside bigspin and also front pops and then what you want to do is with the lazerflip put your feet like if you were going to frontpop and then flick out with your heel just a little bit. A Lazer flip is a frontside 360 heelflip = ]

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15y ago

its like a 360 flip but a 360 heel flip its a combination between heelflip and 360 fs pop shuv it

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14y ago

lol dont know

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