tony hawks backyard is big with a skate park in it a big pool and to miniture lakes!!! it awesome!!!
in a skate park which all towns or cities should have atleast on skate park in a skate park which all towns or cities should have atleast on skate park in a skate park which all towns or cities should have atleast on skate park
Harrow Skate Park was created in 1978.
A Skate Park
get a bunch of ramps ,put them together ,get skateboard ,skate down rampsnow you have a skate park in your backyard or wherever
Del Mar Skate park in California
sidewalk street skate park
Hawks Nest State Park was created in 1935.
lots! campaigned for one and BOOM! no skate park. i haven't really answered you guestion!
You can buy a Lego skate park set and build it from a kit