You may have to buy new bushings, the small rubber part in the middle of your truck, because they could have warped over time. Try tightening your trucks, too.
what is the answer
Its the turning signal/flasher module, left side of dash behind the fuse box. Its a dealer part only about 98.00
my grand am it turns off when it gets hot how can i fix problem
Defective fan thermal relay switch.
It turns green because sunscreen wasn't applied religiously and the pigments faded. It can also turn red for the same reason. The only way to fix it is to get it redone.
It probably only turns on sometimes because it is broken. Talk to someone who knows more about cameras, and ask them is they know how to fix it. Or, if the warranty hasn't expired, you can send it back to the company and see if the company can fix it.
that means that u need to charge it
There is nothing to fix. Hebrew is supposed to be read from right to left.
I think you have to charge it...did you try that?If it didn't work,i think you have to fix it somehow...
Buy a Mac.
Replace the bulbs. This indicates that one of the filaments in each bulb is burned out. It COULD also be a wiring problem, but that's a lot more work to fix, so try the bulbs first.
Most likely the battery failed, even so it shows that there is something left. If the battery is working properly, you have problem with switching circuit which is responsible for power source (battery or power adapter). If second happened you will have to send it to Dell to fix.