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lots of differences. for one the board was smaller and thinner. also it did not have a nose or tail, which is what people mainly use to create tricks. also the style. alot of the skaters then were surfer dudes and now there are a whole melting pot full of different types of cultures

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Q: How are skates from back then different from now?
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What are R Hockey Skates?

hockey skates are skates that u use in hockey. they are different that figure skates because there is no pick, the blades are slightly curved, and they connect to the skate in the front and the back.

Who do speed skaters and figure-skaters wear different kinds of skates?

They're used for different purposes-- figure skates for jumps and spins and speed skates for speed.

Sharpen hockey skates out of the box?

Skates right out of the box are not sharpened. Most likely the shop that you are purchasing them from will sharpen the skates before you leave the store. If you purchased the skates online you will need to take then to your local shop and have them sharpened. But make sure that the skates fit properly and you are not going to ship them back. Once you sharpen the skates most online retailers consider the skates now used and will not accept them for return. If you need to get them sharpened, don't worry it generally costs only a few dollars ($3-5). You will also need to maintain the skates and have them sharpened after every few skates. This is a personal preference when to sharpen your skates.

Which are the safest toddler ice skates?

There are a few different brands of ice skates, but there are no toddler ice skates. Ice skates should not be put on a toddler and a toddler cannot ice skate.

Why are ice skates different than the other kinds of skates?

Ice skates are different because they have blades on them and they are designed differently than per Se roller skates. Roller skates have more padding and have wheels on them, while figure skates have blades on them. If one wanted to compare a figure skate to a hockey skate, for example, a hockey skate does not have toe-picks while a figure skate does. Hope this helps :)

Can you order the one95 hockey skates online now?


What is the difference between hockey skates and figure skates?

Figure skate blades are thicker, and the balance point is at the back, with more blade extending past the heel compared to hockey skates. They also have toe picks, to help with jumps and other maneuvers for figure skating. Figure skates are also "rockered" differently, meaning the blade curves differently, so turning is different in figure skates compared to hockey skates, as the balance is different. Figure skate blades are thicker, too, so they can be faster, as you have more blade contact to push off of. Hockey skates have no toe picks, as with toe picks, if you accidentally drag your foot or put it too far forward on the ice, you can fall. Also, hockey skates are balanced more neutrally, in the middle of the skate, which helps with recovering balance during the fast maneuvering and contact in the game. Hockey skates have thinner blades, so compared to figure skates, you're going to apply less power to the ice, but they glide a little bit easier than figure skates. Also, compared to figure skates, hockey skates have much tougher construction, as they have to be able to take pucks/sticks, etc.

What are fish skates' defenses?

the skate's defense is the thorns on its back (throns are located on its back and tail)

what are the best brands of ice skates recommended for hockey players?

Bauer Flexlite skates are good.They are at a very good price too. Different stores have different brands and with different prices. They vary from cheap to very expensive.

What skates should you use for roller hockey?

The best roller skates come from Reebok. They are really comfortable and the pumps do work.Right now I am using the 9ks. Also CCM makes great skates. Don't get Mission's are really uncomfortable.newtest3

When were roller skates invented?

Actually, roller skates were invented in 1760 by Joseph Merlin, of Huy, Belgium.

Are speed skates hockey skates or figure skates the longest?

Speed Skates have the longest blade.