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Q: How Does Mass Effect the Distance a Skateboard Travels?
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How does increasing the mass of an object affect the distance the object travels?

Increasing the mass of an object typically increases the force required to move it, which can result in a shorter distance traveled due to the increased resistance to motion. Additionally, the gravitational force acting on the object may also increase with mass, affecting how far the object can travel.

What efffect does mass have on the distance?

The only way that mass can have an effect on distance is if you're paying a taxi driver with mass.

Can you work out the speed of an object by using mass and distance?

No, the speed of an object cannot be determined solely by its mass and distance. Speed is calculated as the distance an object travels over a specific time period. To determine an object's speed, you would need to know both the distance it has traveled and the time it took to cover that distance.

How do mass and distance affect gravitaional pull?

Mass and distance dont effect gravitational pull. Its always 9.8 m/s.

Two factors that effect gravity?

Mass as well as distance.

What two things effect the magnitude of gravity?

Mass & distance.

Which factor has a greater overall effect of the gravitational force is it mass or distance?

The factor that has a greater overall effect on gravitational force is distance. Gravitational force decreases as the distance between two objects increases, while mass affects the magnitude of the force but not as significantly as distance.

What two factors will affect gravitational attraction?

Mass and distance. The force decreases with the square of the distance, so mass has a lesser effect on the equation.

What is the weight of a meteor dropping 118 miles to earth?

well what is the mass of the meteor, the distance it travels is unimportant

What 2 things effect the gravitational pull of the planets?

Mass & distance.

Does a sock lying on a dresser have more potential energy then a skateboard on the floor?

No, the skateboard on the floor would have more potential energy due to its higher mass and distance from the ground. Potential energy is determined by an object's position and height above the reference point, so in this case, the skateboard would have more potential energy.

What has a greater impact on gravity's strengths mass or distance?

Mass has a greater impact on the strength of gravity because gravity is directly proportional to the mass of an object. The greater the mass, the stronger the gravitational force it exerts. Distance also plays a role, as gravity weakens with increasing distance, but mass has a more significant effect.