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well when you are a skate boarder you may get the feel for it and want to show off that you are a skateboarder so you may want to where element or some Skateboarding sponsor antoher reson is like if you where a skateboarding kinda guy the jeans you but at a skateboarding shop it would be tight jeans and it would help your push

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16y ago
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12y ago

quite a bit i mean at first it was just longboards then look in the 80's the boards had no kicks (but Rodney mullen was still the best) now you can get all different types and different styles of skating and tricks

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12y ago

Skateboarding has had a positive effect in my opinon on society because 1: it helps people to stay away from doing other worse things such as smoking, drinking and things like that. If you ask a police officer he might say that it is a very negative influence on society and that skaters are disrespectful anddont care about others property. Well if the government would build a skatepark instead of wasting their money on worthless crap and giving out welfare to every cheap yaehoo who doesn't wanna get a real job then people would skateboard their rather than on someone elses property. Besides that you can't just stop someone from doing something they love I for one will skate until I die and will be put in jail before I quit skating no matter what they say. "We only break the laws, because they don't fit our lifestyle."If the machine of government is of such nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say break the law." It is unjust for us to have to quit something because we like it ad they don't. Hope this helps peace out.

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15y ago

they caused people to start skateboarding

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