

Best Answer

I thInk it's just personal preference

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Q: Does the length a long board matter?
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Why would we use manufactured board rather than timber?

Length? Timber boards that are very long are hard to come by. You can buy manufactured board of great length. Manufactured board is supposed to be stronger, too.

How long should your short board surfboard be if you are 4 foot 8?

Average Length of a Surf Board is 8 ft.

How long in length does your foreskin on your penis have to be to get circumcised?

around 2.3cm is the average length of this part of the male anatomy

Can you weave my hair even though it is long already?

yes length doesn't matter

If the width of a board is 6 inches wide and the length is 14.8 feet long and the height is 8 feet how many boards to i need?

You have provided the length and width of the boards but only the width (height) of whatever you wish to board. there is no information on its length and consequently, the question cannot be answered.

What is the difference between board feet and lineal feet?

lineal is the length board feet is 1ft wide X 1 ft long X 1 inch thick = 1 board foot

What is the most appropriate measure of the length of the skateboard?

A standard board is usally 31-33" long. Usally the shorter the skater the shorter the board. The lenght of a skateboard is personal preference. Over time a skater will find out what size board works best for them. It is kinda hard to go wrong with length any standard board is appropriate.

Can the director of a condo board mtg stop you from attending?

If you are an owner -- a member of the association, and you are in good standing -- if these are meeting attendance requirements, then no, you cannot be denied attendance at a board meeting. You may, however, be denied participation in a board meeting. Read your governing documents to determine the conduct of board meetings. If Roberts Rules of Order are required, then you can follow them. If you have a matter that requires board attention, you can document the matter in a letter and request that the board give you time on its board meeting agenda. The matter can be documented in the minutes, so long as all the governing documents' requirements are met. It is unreasonable that a board deny you a hearing on a matter that concerns you. However, the board is not required to deal with your matter on an unending, uncivil and disruptive level.

How long is a board foot?

The board-foot is a specialized unit of volume for measuring lumber in the United States and Canada. It is the volume of a one foot length of a board one foot wide and one inch thick.

What is the length of yards of DNA coiled in every human cell?

No matter the context, a yard is exactly one yard long. No matter the context, a yard is exactly one yard long.

Can you still skate with a fake board?

As long as the board has four wheels and a proper deck. It also depends on the wood.Lets say you got Maple wood.That would be a good board no matter how fake it seems