Nyjah Huston is from Davis, California.
Nyjah lives in Davis, California 95618. YEE!
Yes Nyjah Huston has a mom... she lives in Davis, California
you ride goofy because your mongo,which means you ride goofy but you execute tricks in regular postion.I am mongo and i can do tre flips in regular postion,but I ride goofy.
no hes not. ther are two twins that are younger than nyjah Houston that hav become pro makin them the youngest proskaters
he is 14 GIRL!!! well he bout ta be 15yrs
No he rides goofy.
yes he left and he might be in plan b or make his own sponser
goofy not booth just coz he can ride regular dosen't mean he is booth
it depends on if you ride goofy or regular