No, he rides his back truck medium-tight, but his front trucks has the top bushing replaced with washers, making them EXTREMELY turny
daewon song is regular
Daewon Song competes in the sport of skateboarding.
Daewon Song was born on February 19, 1975.
yes daewon song is related to brenda song they are close brothers and sisters
Firsthand - 2003 Daewon Song - 8.1 was released on: USA: 1 July 2007
He is 6 feet 7
Firsthand - 2003 Daewon Song 8-1 was released on: USA: 1 July 2007
about 60-80 days
Yes. He donates to the Let Them Hear Foundation
Daewon song Rodney Mullen
i think that Ryan sheckler is the best