Yes even if it is a short amount of time in the water and is quickly put in the sun to dry it will ruin your skateboard deck
If you can skateboard, tech deck would be very, very, very...(you get what I say) easy, but if you can do tricks on tech deck it would be easier than just jump on skateboard straight away. Hoped I helped!
same as you do on a skateboard
An Ollie is a skateboarding trick. It is basically a jump while on a skateboard.
you just pop and slide your foot up.
Springfield Gorge.
you jump on the rail and press square
quick variation (jump) of the phase of the grid (mains)
You jump up and spin your deck
Just a little bit, to buildup pressure then you jump up and slide your farthest foot. that's bassicly an ollie
Caveman I think.
Not a skater, but, I am a "nerd". It's because you push OFF of the skateboard. It's hard to explain, but go to youtube, and watch how their feet are angled, and which way the board goes. It will make better sense. Easier to show than tell. Never seen anyone jump off a skateboard and NOT have it go the other way, if you do, Good Job, because I hang out with a lot of really good skaters!
Jump out and yell boo!