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Q: Do yaw bearings teeth point outwand or inward?
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Do yaw bearings teeth point outward or inward?

On some yaw bearings the teeth point outwards, while on others they are turned inwards.

Do yaw bearings' point outward or inward?

On some yaw bearings the teeth point outwards, while on others they are turned inwards.

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What way do yaw bearings teeth point?

It all depends on the position of the yaw motor

Why are your teeth leaning inward?

childs teeth leaning inwards why

What kind of teeth does a spinosaurus have?

The spino had a crocodilian head. It was filled with inward-pointing canine teeth. The inward design was meant for keeping the prey from escaping its mouth.

How does a sharks teeth help it catch its food?

slanted inward

How do you fix front two big teeth turned inward?

Braces yah?:)

Which direction do a frog's vomerine teeth slant?

Vomerine teeth in a frog are knob-like, located in the frog's upper jaw, and slant inward. This inward slant allows food to fall into the esophagus while still preventing prey from escaping through the mouth.

My two top teeth are pretty straight but there kinda curving in and my bottom teeth are doing the same do u thing that they will give me like a retainer or like braces for that?

The dentist may give a person a retainer if their teeth are curved inward. They would probably not get braces if their teeth are not crooked.

How many teeth are in the tiger's jaw?

well at this point over 39 teeth

My top teeth are pretty straight but my 2 bottom teeth are slightly curving in Also my one molar is way crookedWill they give me braces or like a retainer for that?

A person who's teeth are curved inward, but are not crooked would most likely be given a retainer. Braces are only used for straightening teeth that are crooked.