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Q: Do skates have stingers
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Do bubblebee have stingers?

Yes. Bumblebees have stingers.

Do boy bees have stingers?

No, boy bees do not have stingers. Stingers are only present in female bees.

Are speed skates hockey skates or figure skates the longest?

Speed Skates have the longest blade.

When did Cincinnati Stingers end?

Cincinnati Stingers ended in 1979.

When was Cincinnati Stingers created?

Cincinnati Stingers was created in 1975.

When was Stingers created?

Stingers was created on 1998-09-29.

When did Stingers end?

Stingers ended on 2004-12-14.

Do only bees with stingers buzz?

Yes. Because bees without stingers are dead. They can't live without their stingers. -_-

Is ice skates one word or two words?

Two words, like figure skates, hockey skates, or roller skates .

What are the differences between speed skates and figure skates?

The speed skates have longer blades

When was New England Stingers created?

New England Stingers was created in 1994.

What is the Irish word for skates?

"(Roller) skates" is "scátaí rothacha"; the fish called 'skates' is 'sciataí'.