Normally they are roomy for your toes on the inside, and fit the sides of you feet pretty well.
Some brands of skate shoes are better for different types of skating.. for example..skaters who like to go big, would need lots of cushon and should try shoes like DVS, Circa, or even DC. These are heavy duty shoes that offer plenty of cushon and foot support While vert skaters should use shoes such as Fallen, Vans, emericas, and Es',These are skate shoes that are lighter, and more aerodynamic.
they help you from not getting hurt the big puffy part where the laces are it protects from when a skate board hits you
Big skate was created in 1855.
They run a little big
If you want cheap skate shoes online, stay away from corporate shops suck as Dick's Sporting Goods and big firm skate shops. You can try your luck on ebay or amazon, where you can even find used ones in good conditions. There are also websites like and that are very reliabe.
They run small
They run about an 1/2 size small. I hope this helps
There are over 150 big sponsors plus small skate shop sponsor's.
he is in Skate 2 as your personal bodyguard
You can purchase shoes for big feet at all retail shoe stores. Stores such as Nike, Payless Shoes, Guess, Aldo and Reebok all carry shoes in sizes ranging from small to very large.
You can try insoles, but to be honest, any kind of sports shoes that are too big or small should not be worn because they will hurt you and cause blisters etc.
you play with him