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Possibly....It would probably be checked, though

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

I believe you can, I have flown on them many times and I have seen people with skate boards.

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βˆ™ 6y ago

Log as baggage for the hold

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Q: Can you take your skateboard with you on a plane?
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yes actually you can although it depends where.but iam sure they will allow if its not made of any lithium wood is considered friendly material you can take a skateboard also in a plane although iam not too sure about the trucks i doubt they will mind though -yungdreds

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Yes, I bought mine to Austrailia.

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In roblox how do you get a skateboard gear?

Are you an idiot it is so easy just go to catalog skateboard contest items and clikc it then take it it's free.