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Yeah they're the first double action bushings and improve any truck. I have them on independents. The hardnesses are adjusted generally for the weight of the skater. So if your like 200+ pounds you'll want the hardest ones. But you will be stable on the board than ever before and your trucks wont stay in a turn position after landing hard they always go back to being straight!! Their wheels and bearings are the best too!!!I have independent riser pads and shock pads. The shock pads haven't come in yet but the riser pads have; they have made a great difference so far.

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Q: Can you still turn with bones hard bushings?
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when we turn adult we have 203 bones

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When you car is sitting still and it is extremely hard to turn but as you get going you can turn easier

Do bones turn into dust?

Bones do not turn into dust on their own. In certain conditions, such as extreme heat or prolonged exposure to the elements, bones may deteriorate or become brittle, but they do not naturally turn into dust.

Do your bones cross when you turn your arm?

No, bones do not cross when you turn your arm. The bones in your arm, the humerus, radius, and ulna, rotate around each other at the elbow joint to allow for movement.

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they combine to make new bigger bones when you turn to an adult

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The bushings on the shift linkage need to be replaced

When you stop growing your bones?

turn into cartilage

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Rubber bushings inside the faucet are worn. Replacement kits at local home stores for around $7.