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Q: Can you clean bearings with wd40?
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Should i use wd40 on my brakes?

do not use wd40 on break leaves a residue....use a break clean product

How do you clean brass claw feet?

Try a little WD40.

What maintenance should you do on a bicycle?

Answer: LUbricate the Chain (Not using WD40) Keep Tyres Inflated Keep All Bearings adjusted and greased.

Can rubbing alcohol be used to clean bearings?

Yes, rubbing alcohol can be used to clean bearings. It can help dissolve dirt and grime, making it easier to remove them from the bearings. Just make sure to thoroughly dry the bearings after cleaning to prevent any damage from moisture.

Will wd40 clean leather?

Yes it does, it works really well. Do not believe the hype that it will damage your leather.

How do you clean a springfield model 187s?

Blast the hell out of every hole,slot and groove with wd40.

What is the best way to clean scooter bearings?

simply with a toothbrush, and you don't need to clean it to often.

Can you clean your mitre saw blades with CLR?

You can, but an oil based cleaner would be better. I use WD40.

How do you fix your slow ceiling fan?

1) clean the ball-bearings 2) change the capacitor 3) clean the blades 4) lubricate the ball-bearings that will do the job, if not then there is problem with the motor.

What are the best longboard bearings?

in longboarding bearings don't make that much difference (providing they are clean and oiled) unless you are racing slalom or downhill were every 0.001 of a second counts. so cheap well made easy to clean bearings are the best e.g. bones reds or bilitins are great simple to clean and change.

What will clean an old pram rain cover which has gone sticky?

mostly wd40 but on a rare occasion you can use a sponge