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well it depends what sort of skating you're doing. street; I find it's easier to use a thin board like a 7.5inch wide with small wheels like 50-55mm. ramp/vert; usually bigger like 8inch wide with big wheels like 55-65mm. length; Compare the skater’s height to this chart: Under 4’ = 29” or smaller. 4’ to 4’10” = 29” to 30” long. 4’10” to 5’3” = 30.5” to 31.5” long. 5’3” to 5”8” = 31.5” to 32” long. 5”8” to 6’1” = 32” to 32.5” long. Over 6’1” = 32.4” and up. remember you should ride a board that you are comfortable with because when i first started i used a 8inch deck for street skating thinking it would be easier to flick and land tricks but i found out that i was wrong. most street skaters find thinner boards are easier to flick and land on than wide decks are. hope this helped.

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15y ago
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14y ago

no fat people break boards dumby :/ everyone thumbs up!

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15y ago

Yes because expensive skateboards are made with better materials that last even longer than the inexpensive ones.

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15y ago

On wider its easier to land but harder to do tricks and get them high course they are heavyer.

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15y ago

not really but they could

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