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No. They would require either anti-gravity (impossible with our current understanding of physics) or extremely precise propulsion and balance, which would need to be too exact to be practical.

* A workable hoverboard could be created from a powerful magnet, but would only remain airborne when placed above another equally powerful magnet.

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Q: Are hoverboards real
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Related questions

How much do hoverboards cost?

As of March 2014, hoverboards are not being sold.

What battery's in hoverboards blow up?

The lithium ion batteries in hoverboards catch fire and sometimes explode.

Are hover-boards dangerous?

Sometimes hoverboards can catch on fire or overload so it is very dangerous to ride hoverboards.

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When is hoverboards going to be sold?

figure it out by watching back to the future

Do you have any hoverboards available?

We don't have any products to sell.

How do you get a car on fusion fall?

You can't unfortunately. You can buy hoverboards though.

How do you get vehicles in fusion fall?

There is a vendor that sells hoverboards. Talk to him to rent one.

How do you get hoverboards on fusionfall?

Rent them from Kevin Levin's Hot Rod Rentals in Endsville.

How fast are hoverboard?

First of all, all hoverboard have their own speed and it's different from others. However if we compare to all hoverboards then we will find that average speed of hoverboards lies between 4 to 6 miles per hour. N

Will the Back to the Future hoverboards be real?

There are devices now days that are similar, but they are very bulky, expensive, and do not work magnetically, or with antigravity, but with thrust vectoring nozzles. A hoverboard as seen in the back to the future movies is several decades in the future if possible.

Do hoverboards scratch hard wood floors?

It is likely they would do so. Hover boards do not hover.