

Are hook-ups Tech Decks rare

Updated: 12/12/2022
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15y ago

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No they are just really cool!

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Q: Are hook-ups Tech Decks rare
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No flip tech decks arent rare. i see a lot of them at the shops. the rare ones are element

Where to get rare tech deck?

The rarest tech deck in the world is Plan B Gold.Who ever tells you that blind or birdhouse isthe rarest tech deck in the world then there WRONG.

Are blind Tech Decks rare?

No, I have heaps of them and there is heaps of them in stores.

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Element Tech Decks are still around. They are just more how should I put this More More Rare.

Are birdhouse tech decks rare?

Yes, they are The second best tech deck brand and exclusive ones are rare.

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no there not rare go to your local skate shop and they will be there

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they are still around but they are pretty rare now

Are zoo york Tech Decks rare?

ZOOYORK tech decks are very hard to find, if you do get your hands on them guard them with your fists. Not your life! i say this because in other countries and states they prolly arent that hard to find. but yea so,ZOOYORK tech decks are somewhat rare depending on where you live and how many your nearest walmart receives in shipments.

How many types of Tech Decks are there?

there are over 200 types of tech decks. one really good tech deck is the gold tech deck another is the plan B which is really light ( doesn't weigh that much there is the darkstar there is the almost there is the flip there is the 1031 which is really rare all the boards ive posted are really good plus there are more boards out there that are good too like world industries,toy machine,alien workshop,chocolate, powell, DGK,hookups,birdhouse,plan B, Flip, blind and more!

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Name some rare Tech Decks?

dc,element,x games,deca,and some dgks and other boards are rare

How many tech decks are there to collect?

there over 110 tech decks you can collect