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all skateboards are made of hardrock maple therefore they all weigh about the same what matters most about the heaviness of a skateboard is the trucks the size wheels and the width of the board its pretty simple the more material the more weight if you have a big pool board that's 9 inches wide with big Indy 169s and 62 millimeter wheels its gonna weight considerable more than a 7.75 board with thunder low hollow lights and 5 millimeter wheels that being said weight honestly doesn't matter that much and you will have more control with a larger board and you will land more tricks and be more balanced setting up for a trick the more room you have i ride an 8.5 usually and so does the man Chris Cole so do whatever you want

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Q: Are anti hero decks heavy
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Yes you can as well as many other type of decks such as crystal beast, elemental hero, lightsworm and so on. Fun