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it took me a year to get sponsored but about one month you have to master the basic tricks good luck.

yes I agree with him ^ and I've skated 9 and a half months and I have made amazing progress, and you will know if you are right for Skateboarding.

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15y ago

It all depends on what your attitude toward skateboarding is. If you are a hardcore person and don`t care of you get hurt or can take pain than you might be an excellent skater. If you are a smart person and can do tricks precisly that also makes you a good skater. If you don`t like getting hurt at all than skateboarding isn`t for you. i`ve been skating for 3 to 4 years. I am very good and if your attitude toward skateboarding is positive than you would or might be a good skater.

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15y ago

if by jump you mean an ollie,,it took me about a month of really practicing and wanting to learn this. If you cant ollie you cant really do any tricks, i mean to do a kickflip you have to ollie first, to do a heelflip you have to do an ollie first. almost evry trick on a board starts with the ollie.

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Well learning how to skateboard is not measured in how many hours you skateboard.

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14y ago

by, hand or assembly?

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Q: About how long does it take to get good at skateboarding?
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if u skate all day,erryday then 2 months or so...if not maybe longer.

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