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Turtle float swimming, the face, raise the knees and encircle the knees with arms. To recover standing position, the legs are extended and the body raised to an upright position.

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Q: What is turtle float swimming?
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How do swimming float float?

By Its Buoyance.

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What are all the Function of a Turtle?

the functions of a turtle are legs= swimming mouth= moving/eating

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the five toes of the turtle is webbed and is adapted for swimming.

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What is the movement of turtle?

Locomotion: they crawl on land and swim in water.

Where can a swimming float be bought?

Swimming floats can be bought places like Walmart, Target, Amazon, Toys R Us and the like. Another place to find a swimming float is through a pool store.

What is the locomotion of a green sea turtle?

is moving by swimming

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Do raisens float?

No they do not float they sink right to the bottom so if I was you I wouldn't use them to go swimming with.

Why will a cork float in a swimming pool?

A cork has a low density. It is lower then water. That causes it to float.