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If you are referring to Faust then i think Hell was in the centre of the earth.

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Q: Where according to Mephastophilis is hell?
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Yes, according to interviews, Kai Wong was raised in a Christian church and according to Christian Biblical doctrine, there is a Hell.

How many stages of hell are there?

According to Dante's Inferno, there were 9 levels of hell. However, he is the only one to suggest that Hell is broken up in such a manner.

How do you end up in hell?

According to the Bible, you go to hell if you do not accept and confess Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.

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The three worst sinners in hell are Brutus, Cassius, and Judas. According to the Divine Comedy.

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God is trust worthy so he doesn't get the idea of hell forever According to the catholic Christianity the word hell is you to refer those sins result.

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You cannot. According to Judeo-Christian thinking, hell is the punishment for one's own misdeeds. If someone were to go to hell, it would be in judgment for their own behavior, not because you sent them there.

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hell-A place to burn in a lake of fire with the devil(where humans go after they die, when they do not ask god for forgivness for their sins)(according to the bible)

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Do people visit hell by dream?

This is actually quite possible, depending on your religion. If you feel that you have done something that could send you to Hell (according to your religion), then you may visit Hell as a warning to straighten up your act.

Who was in charge of hell when jesus was crucified?

According to the Bible, Satan was in charge of Hell throughout all of it's existence, even today (if you believe it still exists).