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Q: What letter doesn't appear in a US state?
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Which letter of the alphabet does not appear in any us state?


Which English letter does not appear in the name of any US state?

No US State name contains a Q.

What is the only letter that doesnt appear in any US state name?

The only letter that does not appear in the name of any U.S. state is Q. A: Alaska B: Alabama C: California D: North Dakota E: Oregon F: Florida G: Georgia H: Ohio I: Indiana J: New Jersey K: Kentucky L: Louisiana M: Michigan N: Nevada O: Oklahoma P: Pennsylvania Q: R: Rhode Island S: South Carolina T: Tennessee U: Utah V: Virginia W: Wyoming X: Texas Y: New York Z: Arizona

Which letter of the alphabet does not appear in any names of state?

There is no "q" in the name of any of the 50 states in the United States.

What letter is the only letter not appear in the US?

If you mean the letter that doesn't appear in any US state names, the letter is Q. If someone were to guess, they'd likely say J, X, or Z. However, it is none of those due to New Jersey, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.

With letter doesnt show on us states?

X and Q

Is there a us state that doesnt have a vowel?

Yes, the state without a vowel in its name is Wyoming.

What us state begans with the letter z?

No US state begins with the letter Z.

What US State begins has a D as the second letter?

The only US state that has a D as the second letter is: Idaho

Which state in the US has a d as it's second letter?

Idaho is a U.S. state. The letter d is the second letter in the state name.

What is Santa's favorite state in the US?

Arizona of course!! Santa doesnt pick favorites.

What are some state capitals that begin with the letter E?

There are no states that begin with the letter E