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when Jesus was born, because Mary and Joseph was not married, and back then you didn't have any sex until you were married. so Mary and Joseph didn't have any sex, but Mary still got pregnant with Jesus.

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In ancient times, holy men and gods were expected to be capable of curing illnesses or, in extreme cases, raising people from the dead. What they were not expected to do was to re-attach severed limbs, in fact any such claim would have been met with total disbelief. Holy men sometimes used spit to effect their miracullous cures, perhaps for dramatic effect. So, a miracle was often a cure that could not be explained naturally, but it could also be an awe-inspiring act to overcome natural forces.

Jesus is reported to have performed many miracles while he was on earth. Two of the earliest miracles reported by the author of Mark's Gospel are the cure of the deaf and dumb man (7:32), and of the blind man (8:23). On both occasions, Jesus had to use spit to cure the sufferer, in one case repeating the act before it was fully effective.

Another miracle involved Jesus walking on water, on the Sea of Galilee. The only previous occasion that this miracle is said to have occurred was when Homer described the god Hermes walking on water in similar circumstances.

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a medieval play, representing episodes of a saints life

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