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Because of Adam's sin, all humankind is imperfect (Romans 5:12),

and because we are all imperfect, we all die. (1Corinthians 15:22)

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Q: Use imperfect in a sentence
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How can you use imperfect in a sentence?

Yes, my teeth are imperfect.

Can you use future after si in French?

The answer is no. Si is the conditionnal (=if) Imperfect is used in the main sentence (the sentence that shows the condition), the subordonate sentence (the one showing the event ) being in the conditionnal tense. Si j'étais (imperfect) toi - If I were you ... je ferais cela (conditionnal) I would do this Conditionnal often sounds like future, but it is not the future tense.

When do you use the imperfect?

Well you are Imperfect EVERYONE is Imperfect ... so what i am trying to say is don't say your perfect ... No one is so use that word when someone is trying to act ''All that ''

Write an antonym by adding a prefix to the word perfect.?

nonperfect, or an older word not used much today is unperfect.

Can someone help deciding if to use preterite or imperfect in the sentence El epicentro estaba en Michoacán?

The "estaba" tense is used on-line at the link below.

What is a sentence using the word imperfect?

The milk boiled too long this has impaired the flavour. As I have got older my eye sight has grown worse, I am now registered as visually impaired and get half price glasses. I have always worked in heavy industry, unfortunately the high noise levels have impaired my hearing.

What markets use price searchers?

imperfect competition market

What is a sentence for the word flawed?

Meaning:Something that makes a person or a thing imperfect.

What is the suffix for the word imperfect?

prefix for imperfect

Sentence for condescend?

To condescend means to act superior to others. An example sentence would be: Don't condescend to others as we are all flawed and imperfect.

Would you use the imperfect tense to talk about an action that interrupts another?

... false

When was The Imperfect Lover created?

The Imperfect Lover was created in 1921.