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Yes, spirits are real, but they are not always seen.

They can be heard, felt, or smelled. They can also be contacted through different ways, the most famous and cheapest way is through a Ouija board, although it is very demonic in the sense that it is disturbing these spirits and bringing them closer and closer towards the mortal world.

from werewolfL yes they are i have seen 1 before....the way you can tell if the are there is if u hear footsteps or breathing. so if your brave enough 2 do that at your house i recomend it...but some spirits can be evil and try 2 hurt you so it can be scary if you don't know which one is on your side or no.


Yes. The Holy Spirit of the Most High God for one. You may not be able to see him but is as real as God is and God is real.

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10y ago

2ND CONTRIBUTOR: INCLUSION BY ANNUNAKI PSYCHIC SPIRIT FAIRIE. Yes, there are bad spirits, and you do not have to learn by experience to believe it. Let's take a look at the biblical explanation for spirits. (Ephesians 6:12) Starts off talking about putting on the armor for the battle which is not with flesh and blood but with spiritual principalities. Also, it ends by speaking of praying in the spirit, the opposite of which is praying in the flesh. So we now for a surety that anything of the spirit has nothing to do with flesh, and blood. About putting on the armor. There would be no need for armor or protection if these spirits were good. Evil spirits are the opposite of righteous angels. Do not wait to experience them (evil or bad spirits). Ask the Universal source to show you. When you knock the door shall be opened.



Well, if your asking such a specific question like are there 'bad' spirits, your presuming that there are 'good' spirits. So if you believe in the existence of good spirits by rights you should believe in the existence of bad spirits also. That is presuming that there are spirits at all.

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11y ago

Yes, spirits are basically tiny bits of energy that can be either part of a living entity (some might call them souls) or separate from a living entity.

Yes, there are spirits and we, as humans, have a soul which is also a spirit. There are also entities that are in common parlance called "spirits" and these are demons and they are evil and should be avoided.


Catholic AnswerIn Catholic terminology, a spirit is that which is positively immaterial. A pure spirit has no dependence on matter either for its existence or for any of its activities. God is uncreatedpure Spirit; the angels are created pure spirits. The human soul is more properly called spiritual. Although it can exist independent of the body, it nevertheless in this life depends extrinsically on the body for its operations, and in the life to come retains a natural affinity for the body, with which after the resurrection it will be reunited for all eternity. from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980 Note: the souls of animals are non-spiritual and die with the body, human souls are spiritual and will live forever into eternity. Demons are fallen angels. Ghosts are disembodied spirit, and Christianity believes that God does sometimes permit a departed soul to appear in some visible form to people on earth, usually to warn, teach, or request a favor. The only thing you should ever do in such a circumstance is to pray for the person whose spirit you think you saw. Demons are famous for imitating the souls of the deceased, in any case, you should always check with your spiritual director or confessor before making a decision based on anything you think you might have heard from a spirit, this is usually dangerous.
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14y ago

The belief in Spirits, or Souls, is just that, a belief. Many people believe that spirits exist, and many people do not. Science is a method of inquiry based on gathering observable, empirical and measurable evidence, making the existence of spirits something difficult to prove, or disprove. Spirits, then, are a question of belief.

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15y ago

Yes, spirits are really real, you have your own!!! Yes They are real.

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Nope there isn't srry

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