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Roman Catholic AnswerI should think neither. Liberalist used refers to a political bent, and the Church has none. Literalist would usually refer to a reading of Sacred Scripture that only accepts the literal meaning. The Church definitely accepts the literal meaning, but it also accepts the spiritual, allegorical, moral, and anagogical senses of Sacred Scripture.
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Q: Is the Church liberalist or literalist?
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For a Catholic, the literal reading of Scripture is one of the two senses of Scripture (along with the Spiritual Sense). The literal reading of Scripture takes into account who the human author was, in what era he lived in, and what form of writing he is using (is he using a parable or a story, or is he trying to present facts, or using an analogy or myth?) The literalist reading of Scripture has nothing whatsoever to do with the Church and is more associated with Fundamentalists. In other words, take the story of creation in the beginning of The Bible. God created the world in six days. Obviously, the author is not referring to "days" as we know them, because for the first "day" the earth, the sun, and the stars had not even been created yet. So we are obviously not talking about six twenty-four hour periods in which the sun circles the earth. The literalist would see "six days" and think "six twenty-four hour periods" without taking into account the fact that everything that establishes a "day" isn't even there yet. The literal reading of Scripture is trying to discern the truth that the Sacred author is trying to communicate. The literalist is taking the Bible as a scientific textbook, not a book about what God is trying to say.Literal or Literalist? Yes, Catholics DO take the Bible Literally!

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