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Ahrim- 6'3 Dharok- 10'2 Karil- 5'5 Guthan- 8'7 Torag- 11'2 Verac- 9'11
Yes but it usually lasts for a good while. After a while it will degrade to 0.
there are 3 armour whos defence(melee) bonuses are the same (and the best) -dharok -guthan -torag for the best magic defence bonuses karil is the best gl ;)
Yes, Karils Crossbow will gradually degrade to 0 through combat. You can either take it to Bob in lumbridge to have it fixed for a reasonable sum of gold or you can repair it in your Player Owned House (with the right level) for a little less gold.
The cast of De frigjorte - 1993 includes: Karl Antz as Tysker Tora Bencard as Ergoterapeut Erik Clausen as Viggo Per Espersen as Plejer Thomas Hedemann as Lars Kjeld Heising as Sagsbehandler Ole Holst as Karens Nye Ven Jimmy Larsen as Tillidsmand Bjarne Liller as Snedker Lars Lippert as Claus Anne Marie Helger as Karen Niels Martin Carlsen as Jydsk Arbejder Karil Pirat as Tyrker Gitte Rugaard as Lone Pauli Ryberg as Sindballe Peter Rygaard as Ulric Helle Ryslinge as Oda Leif Sylvester as Iversen Torben Zeller as Carlsen
The best barrows armour defence wise is either Guthans, Torags or Dharoks. But as most people do know having the set has some sort of special effect, I'll list them, and you make your choice:Torags - A Small chance you will drain Run energy from another hit player, on a successful Hit.Veracs - A small chance that you will hit straight from Protect from Melee Prayer.Dharoks - the lower you hp, but more damage you will cause on your foes.Guthans - A small chance on healing you on strike, around about half the damage you cause. guthans doesnt give the healing on you now n its the cheapest tooKarils - On successful attacks with Karil's crossbow against a player, there is a chance that it may temporarily lower that player's Agility level.Ahrims - Successful Magic attacks have a chance of temporarily lowering the opponent's Strength level. This weapon is typically not used with the full set.The choice is yours, choose wisely.
The coolest weapon is really on what you like best but I will break it down for you. Cool Weapons (and powerful): Godswords (BGS, ZGS, SGS, AGS), Abby Whip, D Scimi, D Long, Drag Dagger, BarrellChest Anchor, G Maul, Dragon 2H, Dark Bow, Rune 2H, Dragon BattleAxe, Dragon Mace, Dragon Halberd, Crystal Bow, Magic Shortbow, Rune Scimi. Cool Armor: Fighter Torso, Berserker Helmet, Neit Helmet, Fire Cape, Obby Cape, Legends Cape, Barrows Armor (Dharok, Torag, Verac, Guthan, Karil, Ahrim). Bandos Armor, Armadyl Armor, Dragon Armor, Rune armor Trimmed, Gold, Zamorak, Guthix, Saradomin. Adamant Trimmed or Gold, Black armor Trimmed or Gold. Ranger Boots, Robin Hood Hat, Party Hats (anything from holidays or clue scrolls).
# a # afric # ai # ail # air # al # alf # alfi # ali # alic # alick # alric # alrick # ar # arc # ari # aric # arick # aril # ark # c # ca # caf # cai # cal # calf # calif # calk # car # cari # caril # cark # carl # carli # ci # cia # cila # cilka # cir # cirl # ck # clair # clari # clark # cr # cri # f # fa # fai # fail # fair # fakir # falk # far # farci # fari # farl # fi # fia # fiar # fil # filar # fir # fl # flack # flair # flak # flic # flick # fr # fra # frail # frick # i # if # il # ilk # ilka # ir # ira # irk # k # ka # kafir # kai # kaif # kail # kal # kali # kalif # kari # karil # karl # karli # ki # kial # kif # kila # kilar # kir # kira # kr # l # la # lac # lack # lai # laic # laik # lair # lar # lari # lark # li # lia # liar # lick # lira # lirk # r # ra # rack # raf # rafi # rai # rail # raki # ralf # ri # ria # rial # ric # rica # rick # rik # rika # rk
If your fighting the Corporeal beast carefully note the Guide below. ---- Warriors* Weapon: Vesta's spear, Zamorakian spear, Dragon halberd, Guthan's warspear, Verac's flail, Vesta's longsword, Dragon spear(p++), Dragon Longsword * Alternate weapon:Dragon dagger(p++), Dragon Claws * Shield (if using a 1h weapon): Dragonfire shield, Rune defender, Divine or Elysian spirit shield, Dragon sq shield, Rune kitesheild, Rune berserker shield * Headwear: Verac's helmet, Helm of neitiznot, Warrior helm, Proselyte sallet, Initiate sallet * Neckwear:Amulet of fury, Amulet of glory, a Salve Amulet may work, but this claim is unverified and Amulet of Strength, *Games necklace for teleporting to clan wars to walk.* * Cape: Fire cape, Cape of Accomplishment, Obsidian cape, Cape of legends * Body:Verac's brassard, Fighter torso, Proselyte hauberk, Black d'hide body, Bandos chestplate, Initiate hauberk * Legwear: Verac's plateskirt, Bandos tassets, Proselyte cuisse / Proselyte tasset, Black d'hide chaps, Initiate cuisse * Footwear: Bandos boots, Dragon boots, Climbing boots, Rune boots, *Infinity boots, jester boots for mage defence * Glove: Barrows gloves, Best Recipe for Disaster Gloves you have, Any Family Crest Gauntlets, Regen bracelet * Ring: Ring of life, Ring of recoil Note: The Corporeal Beast is weak to crush based attacks.---- ArchersRequired Ranged level: 70+ * Weapon: Rune crossbow, Crystal bow * Shield (if using a crossbow):Elysian or Divine spirit shield, God book * Headwear: Archer helm, Helm of Neitiznot * Neckwear: Amulet of fury, Amulet of glory, Games necklace * Cape: Ava's accumulator, Ava's attractor * Ammunition: Ruby bolts (e), *Emerald bolts (e) these freeze the core!* * Body: Armadyl chestplate, Karil's leathertop, Black d'hide body * Legwear: Armadyl plateskirt, Karil's leatherskirt, chaps * Footwear: Snakeskin boots, Climbing boots, Ranger boots * Ring: Ring of life, Ring of recoil---- InventoryThe rest of the inventory can be filled with: * Food - Shark, Saradomin brews, Manta Rays, Tuna Potatoes; Be aware that the beast can kill a player in one hit, so food can not be always depended on during the fight. * Potions - Super restore potions/Prayer potions, Super sets for warriors, Ranging potions for rangers * Dwarf Multi-Cannon (having more is best as it will deal a lot more damage) * One-click teleport (Ectophial, Teleport crystal, teleport tablets, etc.)---- Notes/Warnings* The Vengeance spell deals large amounts of damage and will not miss, but it is hard to make sure if the spell is active for the whole team. * Be cautious and stay away from the beast if bringing Summoning familiars, as the Beast will devour them after a set time period. * Warning: Always confirm the Items Kept on Death before entering. It is very probable that you will die, regardless of circumstances. Use of quick-prayers for Protect from Magic and Protect Item is recommended. After receiving an item from LootShare, recheck your Items Kept on Death. Gaining a Mystic Robe piece, Dragon longsword or other items might be kept over something else you might want to keep. * A Ring of Life or Phoenix necklace may be used to prevent death. However, this will only help sometimes as the Beast can easily hit more than 10%/20% of any player's Hitpoints. * During the summoning login screen during the release of the skill, some players said that if you turned the brightness and contrast down to 0 on your computer, you could see a hidden monster head on the screen, which some say is the corporeal beast. * If standing directly under the beast, the retribution prayer does not activate. Extra help:If in a large team all players should have done Dwarf Cannon and have one with them. A team of 15 people each with a dwarf cannon could succsesfully kill the beast over and over again (note that killing the beast with only dwarf cannons is almost impossible.)