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Surfing has changed in the following ways: The boards have gotten a lot smaller and lighter. When surfing originated in Hawaii, the boards were big and bulky e.g 10 foot+ longboards. The materials used in the boards. Nowadays, boards are made of plastic, fibreglass and high density foam. Opposed to chunky wooden longboards. Due to the changes in the boards, surfing has become faster and the waves ridden are now bigger. The moves attempted are more daring and the overall sport is more competitive. There are professional surfers now, compared to when surfing was just a hobby, a pastime and a way to relax. Surfing is still progressing, with new waxes being developed, and new moves being tested. I recommend surfing to everyone. Its a great way to get fit and relaxxxx.

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When was surfing born?

no one knows, estimated a few thousand years though

How long has surfing exsit?

about 80 - 90 years

What is meant by internet surfing?

you are just looking through the internet just to look through it.

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thousands of years ago by hawaiian kings

What are some popular surfer magazines?

The two most popular surfing magazines are Surfer Magazine and Surfing Magazine. Both of these can be obtained through subscriptions, or through buying the individual magazines at brick and mortar stores.

Why did the Hawaiians invent surfing?

Having spent most of my life in Hawaii I am well aware that the Hawaiians take credit for surfing. But, Hawaiians did NOT invent surfing! Surfing is depicted on ceremonial vessels of the Viru Culture, 3000 years ago. On these vessels a man is shown standing aboard a little reed craft, surfing. This means that the earliest surfing in the world that has actual physical evidence took place in Peru. There is no anthropological or archaeological evidence for a Polynesian origin of surfing before the mid 1700s.

What is navigating webpages?

Navigating web pages is basically another term for Surfing the web, or just looking through websites.

How do you get to route18 on Pokemon White?

You get there through surfing from Route 1, I think. Hope this helps!

Where can one download free surfing games?

Free surfing games are available through most websites that offer Flash games. Addicting Games and Armor Games have plenty of surfing games, some of which are available for download. Other sites are available, too.

What is the spanish word for surfing?

surf surfing, surfriding acuaplano aquaplane, surfing, surfriding sorfeo surfing

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An sail surfing must be in the sail then? Sky surfing is in the sky. idiot.